Friday, December 26, 2014

Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Clever Stork - Moral Stories for Kids - Animated Stories for Children

              The Story of the Clever Stork


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

13 Things to Remember All the Times

13 Things to Remember All the Times

1-    No one can ruin your day without your permission.
2-   Most of the people will be about as happy as they decide to be.
3-   Other can stop you temporarily but YOU can do it permanently.
4-   Success stops when you do.
5-   You will never have it all together.
6-   Life is journey not a destination. Enjoy the trip.
7-   The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.
8-   If you don';t start, it is certain you won';t reach.
9-   He or She whoever laughs , lasts.
10- Life is what is coming, not what was.
11-  Success is getting up one more time
12- When things go wrong, don';t go with them.
13- Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints

Source: Junaid Tahir 

బతుకు పయనం

బతుకు పయనం

నిశ్శబ్దంలో ఒక శబ్దం, గుండె చప్పుడు లయతో
నిర్లిప్తతలో ఒక భావం, పెదవి దాటని మాటలతో
నిరాశలో ఒక ఆశ, కోర్కెలు తొలిచే అంతరంగంలో
ఓటమిలో ఒక పాఠం అనుభవాల ఆరోహణలో
అగమ్యంలో ఒక  గమ్యం క్రొత్త దారుల అన్వేషణలో
అయోమయంలో ఒక సమయం కర్తవ్య అవగతంలో
అనుబంధంలో ఒక బంధం అంతు చిక్కని ఆనందానికై
కాలగతిలో ఒక  గమనం సుఖదుఖాల ఒరవడికై
జీవితంలో ఒక లక్ష్యం భావి బతుకున మనశ్శాంతికై

The Story of The Wise Farmer of China

The Story of The Wise Farmer of China

Many years ago, in a poor Chinese village, there lived a farmer and his son. His only material possession, apart from the land and a small hut, was a horse he had inherited from his father.
One day, the horse ran away, leaving the man with no animal with which to work the land.
His neighbours, who respected him for his honesty and diligence, went to his house to say how much they regretted his loss. He thanked them for their visit, but asked:
"How do you know that what happened was a misfortune in my life?"Someone muttered to a friend: "He obviously doesn';t want to face facts, but let him think what he likes, after all, it';s better than being sad about it."
And the neighbours went away again, pretending to agree with what he had said.
A week later, the horse returned to its stable, but it was not alone; it brought with it a beautiful mare for company.
The inhabitants of the village were thrilled when they heard the news, for only then did they understand the reply the man had given them, and they went back to the farmer';s house to congratulate him on his good fortune.
"Instead of one horse, you';ve got two. Congratulations!" they said.
"Many thanks for your visit and for your solidarity," replied the farmer. "But how do you know that what happened was a blessing in my life?"
The neighbours were rather put out and decided that the man must be going mad, and, as they left, they said: "Doesn';t the man realise that the horse is a gift from God?"
A month later, the farmer';s son decided to break the mare in. However, the animal bucked wildly and threw the boy off; the boy fell awkwardly and broke his leg.
The neighbours returned to the farmer';s house, bringing presents for the injured boy. The mayor of the village solemnly presented his condolences to the father, saying how sad they all were about what had occurred.
The man thanked them for their visit and for their kindness, but he asked:
"How do you know that what happened was a misfortune in my life?"
These words left everyone dumbstruck, because they were all quite sure that the son';s accident was a real tragedy. As they left the farmer';s house, they said to each other: "Now he really has gone mad; his only son could be left permanently crippled, and he';s not sure whether the accident was a misfortune or not!"
A few months went by, and Japan declared war on China. The emperor';s emissaries scoured the country for healthy young men to be sent to the front.
When they reached the village, they recruited all the young men, except the farmer';s son, whose leg had not yet mended.
None of the young men came back alive. The son recovered, and the two horses produced foals that were all sold for a good price.
The farmer went to visit his neighbours to console and to help them, since they had always shown him such solidarity.
Whenever any of them complained, the farmer would say: "How do you know that what happened was a misfortune?"
If someone was overjoyed about something, he would ask: "How do you know that what happened was a blessing?"
And the people of the village came to understand that life has other meanings that go beyond mere appearance. It has to be clearly understood that everything happens with the will of God. Its not by chance or by luck, instead it is as per God';s perfect plan even if we do not understand it.
Source:  by Junaid Tahir

Funny Pictures- kids pics with captions- Jokes- Kids photos

Funny Pictures- kids pics with captions- Jokes- Kids photos

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How To Live & Die - Khushwant Singh

How To Live & Die - Khushwant Singh

A very nice article by Late Khushwant Singh.

I've often thought about what it is that makes people happy—what one has to do in order to achieve happiness.

First and foremost is good health. If you do not enjoy good health, you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will deduct something from your happiness.

Second, a healthy bank balance. It need not run into crores, but it should be enough to provide for comforts, and there should be something to spare for recreation—eating out, going to the movies, travel and holidays in the hills or by the sea. Shortage of money can be demoralising. Living on credit or borrowing is demeaning and lowers one in one’s own eyes.

Third, your own home. Rented places can never give you the comfort or security of a home that is yours for keeps. If it has garden space, all the better. Plant your own trees and flowers, see them grow and blossom, and cultivate a sense of kinship with them.

Fourth, an understanding companion, be it your spouse or a friend. If you have too many misunderstandings, it robs you of your peace of mind. It is better to be divorced than to be quarrelling all the time.

Fifth, stop envying those who have done better than you in life—risen higher, made more money, or earned more fame. Envy can be corroding; avoid comparing yourself with others.

Sixth, do not allow people to descend on you for gup-shup. By the time you get rid of them, you will feel exhausted and poisoned by their gossip-mongering.

Seventh, cultivate a hobby or two that will fulfill you—gardening, reading, writing, painting, playing or listening to music. Going to clubs or parties to get free drinks, or to meet celebrities, is a criminal waste of time. It’s important to concentrate on something that keeps you occupied meaningfully.

Eighth, every morning and evening devote 15 minutes to introspection. In the mornings, 10 minutes should be spent in keeping the mind absolutely still, and five listing the things you have to do that day. In the evenings, five minutes should be set aside to keep the mind still and 10 to go over the tasks you had intended to do.

Ninth, don’t lose your temper. Try not to be short-tempered, or vengeful. Even when a friend has been rude, just move on.

Above all, when the time comes to go, one should go like a man without any regret or grievance against anyone. Iqbal said it beautifully in a couplet in Persian: “You ask me about the signs of a man of faith? When death comes to him, he has a smile on his lips.”

I don’t fear death. What I dread is the day I go blind or am incapacitated because of old age—that’s what I fear—I’d rather die than live in that condition. I’m a burden enough on my daughter Mala and don’t want to be an extra burden on her.

All that I hope for is that when death comes to me, it comes swiftly, without much pain, like fading away in sound slumber. Till then I’ll keep working and living each day as it comes.


- Khushwant Singh (96) in 2011

10 Tips to Control your Speaking Voice

10 Tips to Control your Speaking Voice

One of the most important components of public speaking is the sound of your voice. It influences the impact of your message, and might even make or break the success of your speech. Fortunately, for many people, good voice quality can be learned.

Instructions :
1.      Breathe from your diaphragm - Practice long and controlled exhales. When you speak, use breath to punctuate your point. For example, take a breath at the end of each phrase whether you need to or not. Use that opportunity to pause and let the listeners absorb what you say.

2.     Use pitch - Lower pitches generally are more soothing to hear. However, modulating your pitch for emphasis will keep your listeners engaged. Develop your pitch by practicing humming.

3.      Moderate your volume - Find out if you speak too loudly or too softly. When you begin speaking, ask your audience how your volume is (each situation is different). Try to stay at the appropriate volume throughout your speech.

4.     Moderate your pace - This one is also closely related to breath. If you speak too quickly, people can';t keep up. If you speak too slowly, people will lose interest. Record your speech to determine if you need to change your pace. Get feedback from others.

5.     Articulate - Try exaggerating your lip movement to reduce mumbling. Practice articulating tongue twisters and extending and exaggerating vowel sounds. Become an expert at articulating tongue twisters as quickly and crisply as possible. Focus on the ones you find difficult.

6.     Practice your speech in advance and determine where you want to pause for a breath. For more emphasis, pause for more than one breath. Mark your breathing points in your notes.

7.     Loosen up before you begin. Look side to side. Roll your head in half-circles and roll your shoulders back. Shift your rib cage from side to side. Yawn. Stretch. Touch your toes while completely relaxing your upper body, then slowly stand up, one vertebra at a time, raising your head last. Repeat as needed.

8.     Posture - Stand up straight and tall to allow full lung capacity and airflow.

9.     Record your voice repeatedly using different ways of speaking. Determine which one is most pleasing.Practice breath control - Take a deep breath, and while you exhale, count to

 10 (or recite the months or days of the week). Try gradually increasing your volume as you count, using your abdominal muscles—not your throat—for volume. Don';t let your larynx tense up.


Junaid Tahir 

Story of Two Seeds

Story of Two Seeds

Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile soil.

The first seed said, "I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth';s crust above me ... I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring ... I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals!"

And so she grew...

The second seed said, "I am afraid. If I send my roots into the ground below, I don';t know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts ... what if I let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? And if I were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground. No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe."

And so she waited...

A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.

Moral of the Story...Those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life.

Patty Hansen
Source: Really Long Link

Tuesday, November 11, 2014



There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried.  The king looked at all the pictures, but there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect  mirror, for peaceful towering mountains were all around it.  Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw the picture thought it was a perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky from which rain fell, and in which lightening played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all. But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had her nest. There in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest. The king chose the second picture as the winner. "Because,"  explained the king, "peace does not mean to be in a place  where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means  to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in
your heart. That is the real meaning of peace."
The Moral of the story

“Real peace is when one can be calm in the midst of  tumultuous surroundings ”

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

So Cute Baby Photos

So Cute Baby Photos
Cute Babies
Pretty Girl Photos
So cute...

The things about Love - Love Quotes

The things about Love - Love Quotes

Can anyone number how many boys?

Can anyone number how many boys?

Challenge you all if you can number how many boys in the photo below, Good luck









Amazing Rainbows in the Sky

Amazing Rainbows in the Sky

Be Happy - 8 commandments

              Be Happy - 8 Commandments

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tips for Family and Life

Tips for Family 
Call your family often. 

Each day give something good to others. 

Forgive everyone for everything. 

Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6. 

Try to make at least three people smile each day. 

What other people think of you is none of your business. 

Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. 

Tips for Life

Do the right thing! 

Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful. 

GOD heals everything.

However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 

The best is yet to come.

When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it. 

Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy. 

Important Personality Tips

Important Personality Tips

Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 

Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy I n the positive present moment. 

Don't over do. Keep your limits. 

Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 

Don't waste your precious energy on gossip. 

Dream more while you are awake. 

Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 

Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your resent happiness. 

Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others. 

Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present. 

No one is in charge of your happiness except you. 

Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you  learn will last a lifetime. 

Smile and laugh more. 

You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 

Important Health Tips

Important Health Tips 

1.       Drink plenty of water. 

2.       Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. 

3.       Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. 

4.       Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy. 

5.       Make time to practice meditation, yoga, and prayer. 

6.       Play more games. 

7.       Read more books than you did in 2008. 

8.       Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. 

9.       Sleep for 7 hours. 

  Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.

Khatagutta - Khata - Khatha -Khathagutta

Khatagutta - Khata - Khatha -Khathagutta

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Must watch Inspirational Quotes - Best Motivational Quotes

Must watch Inspirational Quotes - Best Motivational Quotes 

Lessons from world's second richest man - Warren Buffett

Lessons from world's second richest man - Warren Buffett 

Story of Never Give Up

Story of Never Give Up

Amir Taimur, was someone who was so firm and unfaltering in every predicament, that he did not cower from any misfortune. When the reason for this was sought from him, he said:

"Once, having fled from my enemies and seeking refuge in the ruins of a worn down and dilapidated building,

I was reflecting over my future when my eyes suddenly fell upon a small and weak Ant, carrying a grain bigger than itself, endeavoring to climb to the top of a wall.

"Looking carefully and counting accurately, I found that the grain had dropped from its clutches sixty seven times before the Ant finally managed to make it to the top of the wall with it. The spectacle of this effort on the part of the Ant infused within me strength of such great magnitude that I am never able to forget it."

"I said to myself: O' Taimur! You are by no means inferior to an Ant. Arise and get back to work. I got up and gathered my resolve till I eventually came to acquire the courage that I now possess."

Moral of the Story: Falling down is not defeat...defeat is when you refuse to get up...

India's National Anthem

- Rabindranath Tagore
Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka, jaya he
Tava shubha name jage,
Tava shubha aasisha mage,
Gahe tava jaya gatha,
Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he,
Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Story of a Donkey

The Story of a Donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. 
The Story of a Donkey

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, 
he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!


Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, 
never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up. 

Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 

1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.

2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.

3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.

4. Give more.

5. Expect less

Johny Johny Yes Papa - Nursery Rhymes - songs for children - Pre-school ...

Johny Johny Yes Papa - Nursery Rhymes

Child Safety - Safe Kids at Home

Safety Measure to take while bringing up Kids at Home

Your kids are a great asset for you. You can be more patient for a mishap that happens to you but when it comes to your kids, you are very sensitive and cannot see them in pain, tragedy or chronic sickness. Below are some of the tips through which you can avoid several emergency situations to pop up when your kids are at home:

1-    Don't allow kids to go to washrooms alone till they clearly understand the usage of hot and cold water taps.
2-   Keep medicines away from your kids. Recently a friend of mine had to take his daughter to hospital in emergency as she ate 10+ tablets from the shelf. Although the hospital washed her stomach but did not take any responsibility for any mishap. My friend has to sign the disclaimer which stated that in case of any mishap the whole responsibility would be on the parents.
3-   Don't put chairs or sofas near windows, especially if you are living in flats. We have read so many news about kids death falling from windows.
4-   Consider windows/doors closing brackets. If you have IKEA in your area, buy one from there.

5-   If you have sharp edged dining or lounge tables, consider rubber based edge protectors. (Visit IKEA)

6-   Keep the match or lighter away from the stove.
7-   Keep the knives, scissors and other sharp edge cutlery away from the reach of kids.
8-   Cleaning agents (floor cleaners, crockery cleaners, toilet antiseptics etc) must be out of reach. Be sure to close the bottles tightly. Toddlers have the tendency of putting everything in mouth.

Adopted from Junaid Tahir's website

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fireworks Safety During Diwali

Fireworks Safety During Diwali
Happy Diwali
Safety Measures during the festival of lights

Dos & Don'ts While Bursting Crackers

  • Use fireworks only outdoor.
  • Buy fireworks of authorized/reputed manufacturers only.
  • Light only one firework at a time by only person. Others should watch from a safe distance.
  • Keep the fireworks at a safer place.
  • Organize a community display of fireworks rather than individuals handling crackers.
  • Always use a long candle/'phooljhari' for igniting fire crackers and keep elbow joint straight to increase the distance between the body and the crackers.
  • Keep two buckets of water handy. In the event of fire, extinguish flame by pouring water from the buckets. Every major fire is small when it starts.
  • In case of burns, pour large quantity of water on the burnt area.
  • In case of major burns, after extinguishing the fire, remove all smoldering clothes. Wrap the victim in a clean bedsheet.
  • The patient should be taken to a burns specialist or a major hospital. Don't panicky.
  • In case of eye burns, wash the eye with tap water for 10 minutes and take the victim to a hospital.


  • Don't ignite fireworks while holding them.
  • Don't bend over the fireworks being ignited.
  • Don't ignite fireworks in any container.
  • Don't approach immediately to the misfired fireworks.
  • Don't tamper with misfired fireworks.
  • Don't attempt to make fireworks at home.
  • Don't allow small children to handle fireworks.
  • Don't throw or point fireworks at other people.
  • Don't carry fireworks in the pocket.
  • Don't store firecrackers near burning candles and diyas.
  • Don't light firecrackers in narrow by lanes; preferably use open areas and parks.
  • Don't wear synthetic clothing; preferably wear thick cotton clothing.
  • Don't wear loosely hanging clothes; secure all clothes properly.
  • Don't apply any cream or ointment or oil on burnt area.
  • Don't drive recklessly while taking a burn victim to the hospital; a delay of up to one hour is immaterial.